Many people have been doing sports, many of them for a long time and regularly. With all the sweat they lose and the time invested, many athletes often see no further progress in their performance.

You, too, may have been training for a while. Still, you are at a point where nothing changes in your performance or your body. A performance stagnation occurs despite exertion and discipline.

Sports science calls this state of stagnation you have reached a “performance plateau”.

The stagnation in performance is mainly due to the ingenious adaptability of our body to stressful situations.

At this point, it is crucial to change your training so that you can improve your performance to a new level. With F.I.T., you get access to an individual, modular system, making your workouts more efficient and varied.

New impulses and aspects do not consist of more effort, as is widely assumed. The type of load and the regeneration phases are essential factors that will become a critical part of your schedule.

With sports and exercise nutrition, you can get important information about your respective training phase’s right food and nutrition.

With “F.I.T.byStefanie”, you will enjoy personal, competent coaching that motivates and enables you to achieve higher levels.